Sentence Pattern 1
-He sleeps on(complement) the (modifier) bed in(complement) the (modifier) bedroom.
-My sister sit on (complement) the(modifire) chair in(complement) the(modifier)libraly
Sentence Pattern 2
-We hit a dog in(complement) the(modifire) garden.
-She studys Thai with(complement) her friend in(complement) the(modifire)class.
Sentence Pattern 3
-Badin was a famer in(complement) the(modifier) countryside.
Sentence Pattern 4
-The lake is tranquil in(complement) the(modifier) midst of nature.
-The traffic is terrible at(complement) 7 a.m in(complement) this(modifier)morning.
Sentence Pattern 5
-They gave the(modifier) boy a(modifier) prize in(complement) yesterd