วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Grammar for Writing

แบบ A

Outdoor  Exercise
            Mark lives(lived) in the city, but he enjoys(enjoyed) being outdoors. When he can, he spends his time outside. He doesn't take(took) a  subway to work. He rides(rode) his bicycle. He doesn't eat(ate) lunch in a restaurant. He makes(made) his lunch himself and eats(ate) it in the park.   
            Museums don’t interest(interested) him and concerts bore him. He prefers(prefered) to be outdoors and he chooses(ch00sed) to entertain himself. Every morning he  runs(ran) and plays(played) tennis in the park and almost every weekend he  goes(went) hiking in the country.  
           Bad weather doesn't stop(stoped) him. He even gets(got) out in the rain. Mark is(was) a healthy person. His outdoor exercise makes(made) him so.

